Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Mayor Fung or Ken Block for RI Governor?

People continue to ask me about which candidate I am backing for the Republican nomination for Rhode Island governor. The short answer is that I haven’t decided and probably won’t until each of these candidates have had a chance not only to present their entire platforms but to demonstrate they have both the courage and the skills to lead this state out of the death spiral that has caused most people to lose all hope of recovery and prosperity.

I’ve heard all of the arguments from supporters on both sides, and I’ve met often with both Mayor Fung and Ken Block to discuss their candidacies. Quite frankly, I don’t give a damn what happened in the past; who voted for whom; who donated to whom; and the never ending GOP insider politics. The 2010 election is in the past and I’ve broken off the rear view mirror. I encourage my former supporters to do the same. This is about our future; not about the past.

I am only interested in determining who has the best plan, the most courage and the personal authenticity to be the type of governor this state needs.  It’s about governance – not politics. My choice - if it matters to anyone beside me - will be a thoughtful choice based on how these two men conduct themselves during the campaign and how they show real leadership over the coming weeks if not months.  I kept my 2010 campaign out of the gutter and I hope these two gentlemen do the same.